Exotic Redwood

Essence Exotique Rouge

MATERIAL : “Exotic Red” is a name covering all undifferentiated types of precious woods with a red hue often used for decorative applications. Most often, this term is used for entry panels for interiors, combining economical materials (for the core) and an exotic red wood (for the facing). The latter will be selected according to the supply facilities available at the time of the order in the interest to produce plywood at the best price that will “do the job”.

This type of COMBI panel is produced in China.

Core (there are three possible choices): POPLAR or EUCALYPTUS or BIRCH

The facings can be made from a variety of / RED CANARIUM / OKOUME / SAPELLI / RADIATA PINE / BIRCH / BINTANGOR / along with many other possible types of wood (oak, etc.)

For this range of COMBI panels, regardless of the material chosen for siding, Chinese producers offer two qualities: B / BB and BB / CC


Material used in the example: Sapelle

Quality B : Superb surface, knotless and flawless, finely sanded.
Quality BB : Beautiful sanded surface, which may have a few small healthy knots.
Quality CC : Sanded surface may present some minimal defects (ex. shakes), with a few repairs (ex.wood patch/plug).